Investigations into a grass and scrub fire at Robinvale are continuing.
On Wednesday 14 Feb around 2:15pm local Robinvale Police were patrolling and noticed a fire close to the intersection of Happy Valley and Manna Road’s Robinvale.
At the time of Police arrival only one CFA truck was in attendance.
The fire was travelling in a NE direction and quickly jumped over Happy Valley Road into scrub land.
The fire was quickly contained on the Northern side, however, with a wind change, the fire travelled in an Easterly direction towards bushland.
Approx. 20 CFA and Fire Management Victoria appliances were able to bring the fire under control eventually and thankfully no properties were lost, however 70 hectares of grasslands and scrub were burnt.
Robinvale and Euston Police assisted with traffic management of surrounding areas.
Forest Fire Management Vic investigating, but at last update ‘non malicious human error’ was one avenue of enquiry.