Hogs Breath Cafe Mildura

Hogs Breath Cafe Mildura

The best a steak can get

Contact details

131-164 Deakin Avenue, Mildura
5023 0000
Visit Hogs Breath Cafe Mildura

From its inception in Airlie Beach ‘The Breath’ was simply the perfect place to kick back with friends and family as you wet your whistle and had a great Prime Rib.

No matter who you were outside, inside you were immediately a part of the club. The community built by its founders thrived off the good-time vibes, fun merchandise, yacht races and the true Hog’spitality that came with it all. Today that famous Hog’spitality remains, along with their iconic 18-hour slow cooked prime rib and curly fries and an atmosphere you can’t find anywhere else.