
Join Damion Bradshaw on weekdays from 2pm, taking you through your afternoon across Sunraysia!

Meet Damo

Most embarrassing moment on-air

Would have to be when I completely forgot what day it was at the start of the Home Run, and said it’s a day that definitely ends in Y.

What got you interested in radio

Started several years ago when approached to produce a Motorsport programme, for Sunraysia radio.

Four people you would dinner with (living or dead)

My Wife, Muhammad Ali, Mick Doohan, Aryton Senna.

Your idea of a good time

Simply spending time with family and friends.

Favourite sport, television, movie

Speedway sidecars and everything else.

Television – Tough question enjoy a wide variety of shows.

Movie – The Shawshank Redemption.

One place you would like to visit

West Indies – Jamaica
