The Home Run
Join Damion Bradshaw weekdays from 2pm, taking you through your afternoon across Sunraysia!
Join Damion Bradshaw on weekdays from 2pm, taking you through your afternoon across Sunraysia!
Meet Damo
Most embarrassing moment on-air
Would have to be when I completely forgot what day it was at the start of the Home Run, and said it’s a day that definitely ends in Y.
What got you interested in radio
Started several years ago when approached to produce a Motorsport programme, for Sunraysia radio.
Four people you would dinner with (living or dead)
My Wife, Muhammad Ali, Mick Doohan, Aryton Senna.
Your idea of a good time
Simply spending time with family and friends.
Favourite sport, television, movie
Speedway sidecars and everything else.
Television – Tough question enjoy a wide variety of shows.
Movie – The Shawshank Redemption.
One place you would like to visit
West Indies – Jamaica